Month: June 2008

  • Facing my Goliath!

    Hi all.  I have been out of commission!!  I am home from the hospital now after gallbladder surgery this past Tuesday.  Below is a copy of an email I sent our pastor yesterday afternoon.  To view more about the series “Heart After God” see  With a very thankful heart, it is great to be back!!

    Friday, June 20
    Pastor Ray,

    I want to say thank you so much for listening to the Lord closely and sharing His word with us.  I have thought many times to email you regarding any/all of your sermons since you have been here to say …. “another home run!! – PTL!”  (So here is an email finally!!)

    This week God used a surgeon to cut out a Goliath of mine.  As you know, I had extensive, emergency gallbladder surgery on Tuesday.  Usually gallbladder surgeries take anywhere from 45 minutes to 2 hours.  Mine took 4 and 1/2 hours!  My surgeon was determined to do the technique that would give me a speedy recovery of 1 week + vs an old, ‘open’ way that would take 6 weeks+ for recovery.  Wow!!

    The first two sermons of the “Heart For God” series have hit the mark for me!  I stood the first week believing for God to intervene in my health.  Within 10 days of the “A Bold Heart – Facing the Giants” sermon, my Goliath gallbladder is no longer!!!  I know this will be making a significant difference in my health.

    The fun part is that for Father’s Day a gift I felt impressed to give Glen was the book (not the DVD) “Facing the Giants”.  That is the book he read while in ER Monday night and during the long day Tuesday!!  I LOVE how God works!!!

    Again, thanks for being obedient to share what God puts on your heart and praying for us.  Please feel free to share my testimony in whatever way would bring glory to God the most!! Also, please thank people (for us) who have been praying for me/us.  It is making a tremendous difference!!